

by Mari Mäkelä


Head in the game

Head in the game #2: Choose the right handling techniques


There are multiple things to consider when choosing which handling techniques you are going to use. In this video, I am listing some of those things and in next week’s courses video, we are going to test different handling techniques to see which lines are the fastest. There rarely are sequences with only one way to handle, so enjoy testing different paths and handlings with your dog!

In the end of this video, there is a comparison:  small dog’s striding versus big dog’s striding. Can’t believe that the difference is so huge!

Continue reading “Head in the game #2: Choose the right handling techniques”

Head in the game #1: You can’t succeed if you don’t try

Sometimes, when a handling technique is challenging to ourselves, instead of training it, we start avoiding it. Why should you even try it, when you know  it ain’t going to work? That  kind of thinking limits your chances to learn and succeed! Remember to move outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Trying is the only way to succeed.

Continue reading “Head in the game #1: You can’t succeed if you don’t try”

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